We are thankful to our partners for making this possible


Our Partners

— The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven

The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven is a philanthropic institution that was established in 1928 as the community’s permanent charitable endowment. For more than three generations, thousands of donors have built our community endowment by establishing permanent funds or making gifts to existing funds that distribute grants to a broad variety of issues and organizations. These donors, past and present, make their gifts to ensure that programs and causes that matter most to them will be supported today and forever.

The Community Foundation is one of the oldest and largest community foundations in the United States and remains the largest grant maker in a twenty-town region located in the heart of central Connecticut. The Community Foundation is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)3 organization

— United Way

United Way is an international network of over 1,800 local nonprofit fundraising affiliates. Membership to United Way and use of the United Way brand is overseen by the United Way Worldwide umbrella organization.

— CARE (Community Alliance for Research and Engagement)

Since its founding in 2007 at the Yale School of Public Health, the Community Alliance for Research and Engagement (CARE) has worked to identify solutions to health challenges such as diabetes, asthma, and heart and lung diseases through community-based research and projects focusing on social, environmental, and behavioral risk factors.

— Connecticut Food Bank

Connecticut Food Bank is a nonprofit organization, based in Wallingford, Connecticut. As a member of Feeding America, Connecticut Food Bank secures food donations from a national and regional network of food donors, retail partners, manufacturers, wholesalers and farms.